关于欧美人格替换的催眠音声bambi sleep

关于欧美人格替换的催眠音声bambi sleep
Re: 关于欧美人格替换的催眠音声bambi sleep
Bambi sleep 是一系列包含有女性化,性感化内容的催眠音声,目的是将听众转变为一个名叫Bambi的女孩
Re: 关于欧美人格替换的催眠音声bambi sleep

Well, I recently tried Bambi Sleep for multiple months, at first it didn't really affect me that much, after a bit I still didn't think anything had happened to me however people were pointing out things that I was too dumb to realise, I'm also in my last year of school which was a pretty silly thing of me to do, as I have skipped multiple days of school along with thinking and fantasying about cock while doing school tests uncontrollably, it really dumbed me down and gave me an incredible cock lust, anyone could use triggers and turn me into a horny bubbly bimbo, which was a problem since I have a boyfriend who was totally against me doing this, since it was a long distance relationship my cock craving almost got the better of me multiple times (I'm biologically female), I often dressed in completely inappropriate clothing when I went outside and always wanted to look my best, but I don't know, I had to stop for weeks to get over my bimbo conditioning, and it still affects me today and I'm still recovering, I'm thinking of cock as I speak, however I was listening to it every single day and looped it throughout my sleep, I say if you want to become a Full Bimbo you should really make sure you won't be badly affected by it, but idk

ok, so now that i have gushed with some of the positives i need to touch on an important negative, not all bambi experiences are positive, some people have such a good time with the files that they get lost in the pleasure of bambi, and bambi will try and take over at inappropriate times. its a minority of people who experience this, but it needs to be mentioned openly as knowing about it helps prevent it. people try and wear their uniform to work or check the files at work and get triggered. or some of the more foolish wear no uniform and just listen to the files naked and they think they are always in uniform.
Re: 关于欧美人格替换的催眠音声bambi sleep

简单来说就是 喜欢听女性化的音频的人,必然是有这种xp的人..

没这种xp的人不会去听这个,有这种xp也不需要它来催眠...我听过很多英文hypnosis或者号称brain wash的音频,看评论和简介都吹得神乎其神,但哪怕听自己xp相关的内容都没有感受到催眠的作用...
Re: 关于欧美人格替换的催眠音声bambi sleep