WARNING: This novel contains things about SCAT/URINE/SPIT/VIOLENCE ,etc, and you need to be over 22 to read it.A novel written by a friend of mine, he told me to help him to share it with everyone, but
only here.
If he finds it appears anywhere else, he will stop updating it.This is a finished novel with 26 chapters, the name is "
I will update one chapter a day for average, so please be patient.
Besides the 26 chapters, this novel will have at least 5 different endings, I will originate a vote for it and update the hottest selectoin, so please keep eyes on the top floor for the vote, your decisions will influence the endings!
Vote for the happy ending, here we go!Dead line : Nov.7
The mistresses which get the most votes would be chosen for the ending.
The ending is fixed on '月荷尤莉', here is tips for other endings:
仓木凌夕—— 11 votes (achieved)
山下梅香—— 14 votes
中川美惠—— 32 votes
山下菊子—— 33 votes
山道寺花—— 11 votes
月荷尤莉—— 48 votes (achieved)
水泽琴音—— 12 votes (achieved)
extra endings:
村野莉奈—— 中川美惠 votes over 50 or total votes over 100 (achieved)
月荷樱子—— ????? & ?????